Improve affiliate revenue by displaying Variant Tables (or Price Comparison Sets) for any product in your Shopify store. Convert more visitors into buyers by providing them a list of shopping options. 

Steps to add Variant Tables

Step 1

Add the following 1-line integration code on the product page where you want the variant table to be displayed.

 {% render 'outlink-table', outboxoutercss: '', outboxbuttonclass:'btn', outboxbuttoncss:'' %}

This is a one-time activity. If you are not comfortable adding the code, then raise a support ticket and our team will do it for you.

Step 2

Go to Outlink dashboard > Settings > Variant Table > Activate and Save

Note: Variant Table is available for Pro Plan & above accounts only.

Step 3

Go to Shopify edit product page for any product for which you want to display the Variant Table. Create a new variant option, say 'Stores'. Then for each affiliate store that you want to link out for that product, create a new variant. Add the name of the store as the option value.


Step 4

Go to the Outlink Edit page for the same product. Add the external links for each variant and activate Variant Table option.